
Getting to know you: Neil Logan, CEO, 增量 Group


归根结底,这一切都来自电影.  年轻的时候,我看过电影《博天堂官方入口》和《博天堂官方入口》.  Both movies were about programmers and hackers and I was totally hooked.  Everything about the technology industry seemed cool in those movies and I wanted to be part of it – every came from that.


我喜欢事情总是在向前发展.  We have all become very complacent about Moore’s Law but that continued exponential growth makes the seemingly impossible possible within a mater of a few years.  我永远不会厌倦.


For 增量 our stated target is to employ roughly 600 people at offices across the country by 2022 and I am confident we will achieve that.  为我自己, I am still relatively young as CEOs go so I am looking forward to continuing to lead 增量 for the foreseeable future.


As CEO of 增量 I am accountable for the performance of the organisation.  My job is to ensure that everyone at 增量 has everything they require to achieve the most of which they are capable.  From defining and communicating the business strategy to ensuring that that we are holding ourselves accountable for living the core values we have defined for ourselves, my job really is to support everyone in our organisation.  I also spend time talking to and working with our customers and making sure investors remain happy and supportive of the organisation.

Working as a CEO means that there is not really a typical day.  One day I can be with investors discussing our future strategy the next I can be talking with a prospective customer who is considering working with us to deliver a new digital transformation programme, the next supporting one of the 增量 leadership team to challenge their thinking on a topic.  我喜欢这种变化.

Looking to the future, what do you see as being the next big thing in tech?

There are so many things emerging that are exciting but the thing that has the potential to be truly transformative is Quantum Computing.  Quantum offers the potential to push beyond the limits of classical computing and that could herald a new age of human existence.

Any new products, services, events coming up for your business?

增量 recently acquired GAP consulting, a Dynamics CRM and Dynamics 365 for Sales specialist. This deepens our capability and experience in these key products and I am delighted the be able to bring that to the market. 

Our Intelligence practice is really motoring now and with our team of Data Scientists and Engineers we are already helping one of the worlds largest energy companies embrace the power the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) can bring.  As AI becomes universal all organisations can benefit from the power of AI and we are committed to helping all our customers leverage that for their competitive advantage. Our Data Science team will be presenting a crash course on data science and the benefits it can bring at our two free Dynamics Forums which take place 28th 和29th 八月(1分) 阿伯丁 另一个是 微软在爱丁堡).

Why did you join ScotlandIS and importantly, why are you still with us?

At 增量 we see ourselves as a British business with a proud Scottish heritage.  Being part of ScotlandIS acknowledges our roots and enables us to be part of the wider digital community here in Scotland.  The ScotlandIS team work tirelessly to support the industry and I am pleased that we are able to support them by being a member. 

What do you consider to be the biggest benefit of your ScotlandIS membership?

对我来说,它是网络的一部分.  机会 exists where individuals and organisations come together and ScotlandIS provides that opportunity in spades.

If you could give one piece of advice to an emerging business/startup, what would it be?

尽你所能努力工作!  Seriously, in business you experience many highs and lows and many of those are outwith your control.  The best way to maximise you chances of success and give yourself piece of mind that you did everything you could is just to work hard.


I get to spend time with hard working, clever, motivated and caring people.  我也一直在学习,我喜欢学习.

If you were speaking to a classroom full of 3rd year high school students how would you pitch the industry as the best place to be?

This is the industry that is shaping the world we live in more than any other.  我们需要你的天才来确保世界变得更美好.
